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Understanding SEEMP Parts 1, 2, and 3: A Comprehensive Guide

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has introduced a pivotal regulation to curb greenhouse gas emissions in the shipping sector. By January 2023, all vessels with a Gross Tonnage (GT) exceeding 5,000 must implement the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) Part III. This move is a cornerstone of the IMO's strategy to enhance ship energy efficiency and diminish the carbon footprint of global shipping.

A futuristic maritime scene illustrating the concept of energy efficiency in shipping, featuring sleek, modern cargo ships with eco-friendly designs, wind turbines on deck, solar panels integrated into the hull, and a clear blue ocean under a bright sky

The SEEMP serves as a cost-effective tool for shipping entities to manage and diminish harmful emissions. It encompasses three components: SEEMP Part I, which centers on monitoring ship and fleet efficiency performance; SEEMP Part II, which delineates methodologies for fuel consumption optimization data collection; and SEEMP Part III, which outlines the methodology for calculating the ship's operational Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) and stipulates CII compliance requirements.

Ship Managers must devise a three-year target and formulate an implementation plan for energy efficiency measures to sustain their CII rating and achieve targets. This entails not only curtailing carbon emissions but also assessing the financial implications on capital and operational expenditures. Annual assessments are imperative to monitor CII performance and the efficacy of energy management plan measures.

Key Takeaways

  • SEEMP Part III applies to vessels on international voyages of 5,000 GT and above, including various ship types defined under MARPOL Annex VI.

  • Ship owners must set a three-year target and prepare an implementation plan for energy efficiency measures to maintain CII rating and meet targets.

  • Yearly evaluations are necessary to track CII performance and the effectiveness of energy efficiency measures.

  • Compliance with SEEMP Part III involves reducing carbon emissions and considering impacts on capital and operating expenditure.

  • Expert assistance is available for SEEMP Part III preparation and compliance with seemp regulations.

Introduction to SEEMP: Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan

The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) is a pivotal initiative by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to diminish the environmental footprint of the shipping sector. It seeks to enhance the energy efficiency of vessels through strategic ship management, meticulous data collection, and a focus on reducing carbon intensity. This endeavor is part of the global crusade against climate change and global warming.

Definition and Purpose of SEEMP

The SEEMP is a bespoke plan for each ship, designed to optimize operational efficiency and curtail fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. It offers a hands-on method for tracking and enhancing ship performance, customized to the vessel's unique attributes, such as its type, cargo, and routes. The SEEMP's main objectives are to slash operational expenses, decrease fuel usage, and minimize harmful emissions from maritime activities.

IMO's Role in Developing SEEMP

The IMO has been a leading force in tackling climate change and environmental challenges within the maritime realm. In 2011, the IMO mandated the SEEMP for all ships, as part of its ongoing dedication to curtailing greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping. The organization has crafted guidelines and regulations, such as MARPOL Annex VI, to ensure the SEEMP's effective implementation globally.

The IMO has introduced several initiatives to bolster the SEEMP, including:

  • The Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), which monitors CO2 and harmful emissions from ships

  • The IMO Data Collection System (DCS), which requires ships of 5,000 gross tonnage and above to collect and report fuel oil consumption data

  • The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) rating system, which evaluates the operational carbon intensity of ships and necessitates corrective actions for underperforming vessels

Through these measures and the continuous refinement of SEEMP guidelines, the IMO is instrumental in propelling the shipping industry towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.

SEEMP Part 1: Ship Management Plan for Energy Efficiency

The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) Part 1 is a pivotal component of the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) initiatives to diminish greenhouse gas emissions. It aims to foster sustainable shipping practices. MARPOL Annex VI mandates that ships of 400 gross tonnage (GT) and above, engaged in international voyages, must carry a SEEMP. The primary objective of SEEMP Part 1 is to devise a ship management plan. This plan seeks to enhance energy efficiency and curtail carbon emissions through the adoption of efficient operational and management practices.

Requirements for SEEMP Part 1

Ship owners or operators are tasked with crafting a ship-specific SEEMP and ensuring its presence on each vessel in their fleet. The SEEMP Part 1 must adhere to a specific framework and structure. This framework includes planning, implementation, monitoring, self-evaluation, and improvement. Such an approach facilitates the continuous enhancement of ship operational efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

To comply with SEEMP Part 1 requirements, ships must possess an International Energy Efficiency (IEE) Certificate. This certificate verifies the ship's Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), a measure of the vessel's energy efficiency. The IEE Certificate is valid for the ship's entire life. It is issued during the initial survey for new ships or after the first survey post-January 1, 2013, for existing ships. Recognized Organizations are authorized to issue certificates for Australian.

Key Components of SEEMP Part 1

The key components of SEEMP Part 1 include:

  • Planning: Establishing energy efficiency measures and targets

  • Implementation: Executing the planned measures and strategies

  • Monitoring: Tracking and measuring the effectiveness of implemented measures

  • Self-evaluation and improvement: Assessing performance and identifying areas for further optimization

By adhering to this structured approach, ship owners and operators can effectively manage and enhance the energy efficiency of their vessels. This contributes to the overall goal of reducing the carbon intensity of international shipping by at least 40% by 2030 compared to 2008 levels, as adopted by IMO Member States in 2021.

Implementation and Monitoring of SEEMP Part 1

The successful implementation and monitoring of SEEMP Part 1 rely on the collaboration and commitment of all stakeholders involved in the ship's operation. Regular training and awareness programs should be conducted. This ensures that crew members are well-informed about the energy efficiency measures and their roles in achieving the set targets.



Key Focus

Part 1

Ships ≥ 400 GT

Ship management plan for energy efficiency

Part 2

Ships ≥ 5,000 GT

Fuel oil consumption data collection plan

Part 3

Ships ≥ 5,000 GT

Ship operational carbon intensity plan (CII)

The implementation of SEEMP Part 1, along with the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), is expected to stimulate continued innovation and technical development in ship fuel efficiency. This contributes to the global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the maritime industry.

SEEMP Part 2: Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Data Collection Plan

The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) Part 2 is a pivotal component of the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) initiatives to diminish greenhouse gas emissions from maritime activities. This plan is dedicated to the collection and reporting of data on ship fuel oil consumption. Such data is critical for monitoring and enhancing energy efficiency within the maritime sector.

Purpose and Scope of SEEMP Part 2

SEEMP Part 2 is applicable to ships with a gross tonnage of 5,000 or more, engaged in international voyages. Its primary objective is to establish a uniform methodology for the collection and reporting of ship fuel oil consumption data. The IMO seeks to compile a comprehensive database through this endeavor. This database will facilitate the tracking and analysis of the global shipping fleet's energy efficiency.

The SEEMP guidelines mandate that ships document their total annual fuel oil consumption. This includes consumption from main engines, auxiliary engines, gas turbines, boilers, and inert gas generators. Ships are also required to report their traveling distance in nautical miles and hours underway.

Data Collection and Reporting Requirements

Under SEEMP Part 2, ships must devise a data collection plan detailing the methods for measuring fuel oil consumption. The accepted methods include:

  • Bunker Delivery Notes (BDNs)

  • Flow meters

  • Bunker fuel oil tank monitoring

  • LNG cargo tank monitoring

  • Cargo tank monitoring for non-LNG fuel

Ships must calculate their Attained Annual Operational Carbon Intensity Indicator (Attained CII) and compare it to the Required CII. This comparison determines their operational carbon intensity rating, which ranges from A to E. Flag Administrations or Recognized Organizations issue a "Certificate of Compliance" verifying SEEMP Part 2 implementation and a "Statement of Compliance – Fuel Oil Consumption Reporting and Operational Carbon Intensity Rating" after verifying compliance with the relevant regulations.

The collected data must be submitted to the ship's flag state, which then shares it with the IMO's fuel oil consumption data collection system. The reporting period for CO2 emissions is defined as one calendar year. All Statements of Compliance must be retained on board for a minimum of five years and submitted to the IMO within one month of issuance.

By adhering to the seemp verification process and following the seemp reporting requirements, shipowners and operators can contribute to the IMO's efforts to reduce the environmental impact of the shipping industry. The seemp methodology for data collection and reporting ensures a consistent and reliable approach to monitoring ship fuel oil consumption and energy efficiency.

SEEMP Part 3: Ship Operational Carbon Intensity Plan

The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) Part 3 is a pivotal component of the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) efforts to diminish greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping. This document, specific to ships, aims to establish an energy efficiency operational indicator, known as the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) rating. It utilizes data collected in SEEMP Part 2.

Introduction to Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)

The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) serves as a measure of a ship's operational energy efficiency. It is calculated and reported annually, starting from 2024. This indicator allows for the evaluation of fleet efficiency performance across various ship types and sizes. It employs standardized energy efficiency measures. Ships of 5,000 gross tonnage and above must include specific data methodologies and processes in their SEEMP Part 3 for calculating and reporting the CII.

The CII rating is determined by comparing the Attained CII with the Required CII for the next three years. Ships that receive a D rating for three consecutive years or an E rating in any year must update their SEEMP Part 3. They need to include a Corrective Action Plan to improve their carbon intensity indicator (cii) performance.

SEEMP Part 3 Requirements for CII Compliance

To ensure compliance with SEEMP Part 3, shipowners and operators must implement effective seemp monitoring and self-evaluation processes. This involves several key steps:

  • Calculating and reporting the Attained CII and Required CII annually

  • Developing and implementing a seemp improvement plan to enhance operational energy efficiency

  • Submitting the SEEMP Part 3 to the ship's flag state for verification by December 31, 2023

  • Undergoing periodic company audits, usually every third year, to confirm SEEMP Part 3 implementation

Organizations like DNV, a Recognized Organization to the IMO, offer services such as SEEMP Part 3 Generator for initial submissions and Corrective Action Plans verification. They assist shipowners and operators in achieving CII compliance.




Part 1

Ships of 400 GT and above, engaged in international voyages

Monitoring energy efficiency performance and ways to improve ship energy efficiency and carbon intensity

Part 2

Ships of 5,000 GT and above, engaged in international voyages

Detailing data collection methods for MARPOL Annex VI

Part 3

Ships of 5,000 GT and above

Providing methodologies for calculating annual operational CII, reporting processes, required CII for the next three years, self-improvement procedures, and corrective action plans

By adhering to the requirements of SEEMP Part 3 and implementing effective seemp monitoring and self-evaluation processes, shipowners and operators can significantly contribute to the IMO's goal of reducing carbon intensity in international shipping.

SEEMP Part 1 2 3 Differences: A Comparative Analysis

The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) is pivotal for enhancing energy efficiency and diminishing environmental impact. It encompasses three distinct components, each with specific requirements and deadlines. Grasping the nuances between SEEMP Parts 1, 2, and 3 is critical for shipowners and operators to implement the plan effectively and adhere to the seemp framework.

Key Distinctions Between SEEMP Parts 1, 2, and 3

SEEMP Part 1 mandates a comprehensive energy efficiency management plan for vessels exceeding 400 gross tonnage (GT). It encompasses planning, implementation, monitoring, self-assessment, and continuous improvement. This part is designed to foster best practices in energy optimization and environmental stewardship.

A serene maritime landscape depicting a large cargo ship efficiently navigating through calm waters, surrounded by symbols of sustainability and energy efficiency like wind turbines and solar panels on the shore

SEEMP Part 2, obligatory for ships over 5,000 GT, focuses on fuel oil consumption data collection. It encompasses ship details, fuel consumption records, engine specifications, and emission factors. The data collected aids in fuel consumption monitoring and analysis.

SEEMP Part 3 introduces the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) for cargo, Ro-Pax, and cruise vessels above 5,000 GT. It requires ships to calculate their annual operational CII and receive a rating (A, B, C, D, or E) based on energy efficiency. This part aims to enhance operational carbon intensity and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

Applicability and Compliance Timelines

The applicability and compliance deadlines for SEEMP Parts 1, 2, and 3 differ based on ship size and type. The following table delineates the key distinctions:



Compliance Timeline

Part 1

Ships above 400 GT

Mandatory since January 1, 2013

Part 2

Ships above 5,000 GT

Mandatory since January 1, 2019

Part 3

Cargo, Ro-Pax, and cruise passenger vessels above 5,000 GT

Mandatory starting from 2023

Shipowners and operators must adhere to the respective SEEMP parts based on their vessel's gross tonnage and type. Compliance with the seemp framework not only minimizes environmental impact but also optimizes fuel consumption and enhances operational efficiency.

Best Practices for SEEMP Implementation

Implementing the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) effectively can lead to significant fuel cost savings. Fuel is the largest operational expense for ships. The SEEMP became mandatory for all ships of 400 GT and above on January 1st, 2013. It involves a continuous improvement cycle known as the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) approach.

Strategies for Optimizing Ship Energy Efficiency

Several strategies can be employed to optimize ship energy efficiency and achieve seemp sustainability goals. These include:

  • Speed optimization and slow steaming

  • Advanced weather routing technology

  • Regular hull monitoring and maintenance

  • Efficient cargo operations at ports

Slow steaming has proven to be an effective means of reducing fuel consumption and costs. Optimizing voyage planning and ship speed leads to considerable energy savings. Proper hull maintenance, such as cleaning and painting, also helps minimize hull roughness and improve overall efficiency.

Monitoring and Evaluation Techniques

To assess the effectiveness of SEEMP implementation, quantitative monitoring tools like the Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI) are recommended.

The EEOI allows for tracking fuel consumption and emissions over time. This enables ship owners and operators to gauge the success of their energy efficiency measures.

A ship at sea with various fuel consumption monitoring devices, digital displays showing data readouts, a technician analyzing graphs on a tablet, surrounded by oil barrels and maritime equipment, highlighting the theme of efficient fuel management in the shipping industry

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation

The SEEMP is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement and adaptation. As new technologies and best practices emerge, it is essential to incorporate them into the plan. Regular audits and corrective action plans ensure that the SEEMP remains effective and up-to-date.

"The SEEMP is a ship-specific plan, not applicable at a company or fleet level, and requires individual implementation tailored to factors such as ship type, cargo carried, and routes."

By embracing best practices for SEEMP implementation, such as speed optimization, weather routing, and hull monitoring and maintenance, ship owners and operators can significantly reduce their environmental impact. They can also lower operational costs.

Benefits of SEEMP Compliance for Shipowners and Operators

Adherence to the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) brings numerous advantages to shipowners and operators. It enables them to cut fuel costs, enhance operational efficiency, and promote environmental sustainability. It also ensures regulatory compliance and secures a competitive edge in the maritime sector.

SEEMP compliance significantly reduces fuel costs. With 70,000 ships globally, operational efficiencies play a crucial role in lowering carbon emissions. SEEMPs outline measures like speed optimization and weather routeing, leading to fuel savings and environmental benefits.

Implementing SEEMP boosts operational efficiency. The planning phase is key for assessing current energy usage and setting efficiency goals. SEEMPs foster a culture of energy efficiency improvement, emphasizing the role of human resources and quantitative monitoring.

"Operational efficiencies delivered by numerous ship operators contribute significantly to reducing global carbon emissions."

SEEMP compliance is critical for meeting IMO and regional regulations. For instance, EU MRV annual reports for 2021 must be submitted by 30 April 2022. Compliance documents must be onboard by 30 June 2022. This adherence showcases a company's environmental commitment and enhances its industry reputation.


Submission Deadline

Compliance Document Deadline


30 April 2022

30 June 2022


31 March 2022

31 May 2022

Shipowners and operators who embrace SEEMP gain a competitive edge. Environmental sustainability is increasingly valued, making companies with strong carbon reduction and energy efficiency commitments more attractive. The savings from fuel efficiency can be reinvested, further enhancing market standing.

Challenges and Future Developments in SEEMP Regulations

The maritime industry's quest for reduced carbon footprint and enhanced energy efficiency has made the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) indispensable. However, the path to implementing SEEMP regulations is filled with challenges.. It demands meticulous planning and adaptation to ensure compliance and effectiveness.

Potential Obstacles in SEEMP Implementation

Shipowners and operators face a significant hurdle in overcoming technological challenges linked to SEEMP regulations. The integration of new technologies for monitoring and reporting fuel consumption and carbon intensity data is essential. Effective data management is paramount, necessitating the establishment of robust processes for data collection, analysis, and reporting in compliance with SEEMP standards.

Another formidable obstacle is the need for crew training to ensure proper implementation and monitoring of SEEMP measures. Crew members must be proficient in SEEMP Parts 1, 2, and 3, as well as the procedures for data collection and reporting. Continuous training and support are crucial to equip crews with the necessary knowledge and skills for SEEMP compliance.

Anticipated Enhancements to SEEMP Framework

The shipping industry's evolution and new challenges suggest that the SEEMP framework will undergo enhancements and updates. These updates will likely address the identified challenges, such as technological barriers and data management issues.

A futuristic digital workspace featuring advanced data management tools, vibrant holographic displays showcasing SEEMP compliance metrics, intricate graphs and charts representing environmental performance

One potential enhancement is the development of standardized and streamlined data collection and reporting processes. The adoption of new technologies and platforms could facilitate automatic data collection and transmission, reducing crew workload and ensuring accurate, timely reporting.

Strengthening international collaboration and coordination in SEEMP regulation implementation is another area of focus. This could involve harmonizing SEEMP compliance approaches and sharing best practices and lessons learned across the industry.


Key Requirements

Implementation Timeline

SEEMP Part 1

Ship Management Plan for Energy Efficiency

Required since 2013

SEEMP Part 2

Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Data Collection Plan

Required since 2019

SEEMP Part 3

Ship Operational Carbon Intensity Plan

Required from 1 January 2023

Regulatory updates will also play a pivotal role in shaping SEEMP regulations' future. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set ambitious targets for reducing international shipping's carbon intensity. The goal is to achieve a 40% reduction by 2030 and a 70% reduction by 2050, compared to 2008 levels. Achieving these targets will necessitate ongoing updates to the SEEMP framework, along with the adoption of new technologies and operational practices.


The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) is crucial for the shipping industry's transition to sustainable shipping and decarbonization. It enables shipowners and operators to understand and comply with IMO regulations. This is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions globally.

Adopting energy-efficient practices not only meets international standards but also brings economic benefits. It leads to lower fuel costs and increased competitiveness. As the maritime industry evolves, embracing the SEEMP framework is vital for achieving IMO goals and promoting environmental stewardship.

The maritime industry's future hinges on its ability to adapt and innovate. Keeping up with SEEMP regulations and adopting sustainable practices positions shipowners and operators at the forefront of industry transformation. Through collaboration and commitment, the shipping sector can navigate towards a greener, more sustainable future.


What is the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)?

The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) is a cost-effective mechanism introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). It aims to help the shipping industry manage and reduce harmful greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The plan consists of three parts: SEEMP Part I, SEEMP Part II, and SEEMP Part III. These parts focus on developing practices to reduce carbon intensity, collecting and sharing data, and calculating the annual operational Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII).

Why was the SEEMP made mandatory by the IMO?

The IMO made the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) mandatory in 2011 to reduce the impact of the international shipping sector on environmental degradation. The plan aims to improve the energy efficiency of the global fleet by focusing on ship management, data collection, and carbon intensity reduction. The IMO has been at the forefront of efforts to stem climate change and global warming through the development and implementation of SEEMP.

What are the requirements for SEEMP Part I?

SEEMP Part I applies to ships of 400 GT and above. It aims to monitor and describe ways to reduce carbon emissions by introducing efficient operational and ship management practices. Ship owners or operators must develop a ship-specific SEEMP and place it on each vessel in its fleet. SEEMP Part I must have a specific framework and structure that incorporates planning, implementation, monitoring, and self-evaluation and improvement.

What are the data collection and reporting requirements for SEEMP Part II?

SEEMP Part II applies to ships of 5000 GT and above. It requires vessels to specify the methodology to collect pertinent data and develop processes to share it with the flag state. The focus is on energy efficiency, and vessels must collect, aggregate, and report data such as annual fuel consumption, distance travelled, and hours underway to determine their fuel efficiency. The data is shared with the flag state, which then shares it with IMO's data collection system for fuel oil consumption of ships.

How does SEEMP Part III establish the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) rating?

SEEMP Part III focuses on establishing an energy efficiency operational indicator (CII rating) using the data collected in Part II. It allows for the evaluation of fleet efficiency performance across various types and sizes using the same energy efficiency measures. The SEEMP must manage operations and implement methods and new technologies to create a comprehensive energy management policy. Once the plan is ready, it must be submitted to the ship's flag state for verification by the due date of 31st December 2023.

What are some best practices for SEEMP implementation?

Best practices for SEEMP implementation include speed optimization, weather routing, hull monitoring and maintenance, and the installation of heat recovery systems. Monitoring and evaluation techniques, as well as continuous improvement and adaptation, are essential for the successful implementation of SEEMP and the optimization of ship energy efficiency.

What are the benefits of SEEMP compliance for shipowners and operators?

SEEMP compliance offers numerous benefits for shipowners and operators, including reduced fuel costs, improved operational efficiency, enhanced environmental sustainability, and regulatory compliance. By implementing SEEMP effectively, companies can gain a competitive advantage in the industry and contribute to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the shipping sector.

What challenges may shipowners and operators face in implementing SEEMP?

Despite the benefits of SEEMP compliance, shipowners and operators may face challenges in implementation, such as technological barriers, data management issues, and the need for crew training. As the shipping industry continues to evolve, it is anticipated that the SEEMP framework will undergo further enhancements and updates to address these challenges and ensure the continued effectiveness of the plan in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy efficiency.

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